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To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and…

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You’ll join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to…

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Most Recent Blog Entries

Adopt A Highway

Today we completed our periodic cleanup of our section of the Likelike Highway as part of the Adopt A Highway program!  We are pleased to do our part to keep the community clean.  Many thanks to Lions Michael Young, Jack Schweigert, Abe Wong, Kin Ching, Dennis Ting and Mick Laconsay.


“Knights of the Blind” Train Ride

The Lions Club of Honolulu was happy to participate in the District 50 “Knights of the Blind” train excursion.  It was a pleasant day for a picnic lunch and casual train ride along the Ewa coast.  We were joined by fellow District 50 Lions, blind vendors, members of the visually impaired community and friends.  There was lots of fellowship and tons of prizes!!  Special thanks to the Knights of the Blind committee, Pearl City Lion Sharon Ige, LCH Lions Kyle Laconsay & Gavan Abe, District Governor Nadine Nishioka.  Also, thank you to the CIS’s and many fellow Lions and friends that helped out at the event

We encourage fellow LCH members to consider other groups that would benefit from this train ride for future community events.

Keeaumoku Bus Stop Painting

This weekend our club thoroughly cleaned, then painted the bus stop in front of WalMart on Keeaumoku St. Maintaining bus stops and painting over the graffiti is one of the service projects we do to make our community better. While working, we received many compliments from people as they walked by, appreciative of the improvements. One nice lady actually went into the store and bought us bottled water.  Mahalo to a friend of the Lions, Karl Alexander for the helping hand!!